☀ Write a précis of the following passage. Add a suitable title.
👉 We can tell a man from a beast by his quality of virtue. It is something which distinguished him from all other creatures. It is his mark. It is his character. Wonderful it is to think that man is distinguished from all other creatures by his higher and grander standard of conduct we call virtue-the things worthy of a man. He goes to the rescue of someone he has never seen-a woman in a burning house, a child in a dark sea. Why? Because he is a man. He goes to the state or to the scaffold for an idea which he can never prove in this world to be true. Why? Because he is a man. What do we say when we read of some cruel creature who has beaten a child or struck a woman? We say, "he is no man." Something tells us at once that a man who could do such thing as this is who could do such things as this is 'no man'. He has played the traitor to himself. He has played the traitor to himself. He has denied the man in his soul.
Title : Virtue of man
Man is distinguished from another animals by the quality of his virtue. It has made man grander and higher than other creatures. A man alone tries to save an unknown person in distress or sacrifice his life for an idea. Cruelty and atrocity deprive one from the identity as a man as those activities are not considered as vertues of a man.
Make the précis of the folllowing passages. Add suitable title.
☀ On the other hand, technology or applied science has confronted mankind with problems of profound gravity. The very survival of mankind depends on a satisfactory solution of these problems. It is a matter of creating the kind of social institutions and traditions without which the new tools must inevitably bring disaster of the worst kind. Technology has shortened distances and created new and extraordinarily effective means of destruction which, in the hands of nations claiming unrestricted freedom of action, become threats to the security and very survival of mankind. This situation requires a single judicial and executive power for the entire planet and the creation of such a central authority is desperately opposed by national traditions. Here too we are in the midst of a struggle whose issue will decide the fate of all of us.
Means of communication, finally reproduction processes for the printed word, and the radio when combined with modern weapons, have made it possible to place body and soul under bondage to a central authority and here is a third source of danger to mankind. Modern tyrannies and their destructive effects show plainly how far we are from exploiting these achievements organisationally for the benefit of mankind. Here, too circumstances require and international solution, with the psychological foundation for such a solution not yet laid.
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