Class 12 English specfic purpose :
By Mysite
What part should reading play in our lives? It should certainly not be a substitute for action, not for independent thinking, not for conversation; but it may bc help and stimulant to action; thought and talk; and it is capable of providing almost infinite pleasure. There on our bookshelves or on summons from a library are wits, wisdom, adventure, romance from all ages and from all over the world. Is there any wonder that our eyes sometimes stray wistfully to the bookshelves and away from a dull visitor or that we shirk a tiresome duty for an exciting book? Books or people? Reading or conversation, listening into a broadcast or watching a television programme?
Which is the better way to gain knowledge or to spend your leisure? Some fortunate people seem always to find time for both almost equally. My great friend, Arthur Wanchope, a fine soldier, an able administrator and a very gifted personality, was a constant reader; yet always ready to lay aside a book for talk. The advantages of reading over talk are, of course, many. We can select the book that suits our mood, can go at our own pace, skip or turn back whereas we cannot turn over two pages of a tedious companion or close him or her, with a bang. But reading too has its own drawbacks. It lacks the human touch, the salt of life and is therefore a dangerous substitute for thought or action. Bacon in one of his essays observes that "Reading maketh a full man; conference (that is talking) a ready man; and writing an exact man". One would like to be full of knowledge, ready in speech and exact by training. What sort of books have impressed me and what books have found a permanent place on my bookshelves? ( 162 )
Terrorism has now become a worldwide phenomenon. As far as India is concerned, since its independence. India has been facing the problem of terrorism in different parts of the country. Terrorism tneans an artned violent movement directed against government as well as non-governmental agencies, involving premeditated attacks with arms, ammunition and explosives against civilians, and resoning to intimidation tactics, such as hostage taking and hijacking, but not seeking territorial control. Tenorism can also be defined as an organised way of intimidation and violence, especially for political purpose. Political frustration, political necessities, religious and racial fanaticism and personal political interests are some of the main causes of terrorisnl. Tenonsts are encouraged by the vested interests of sorne countries or external powers to create instabi lity in a certain country or reoion. TerTorists indulge in looting, kidnapping, rnurdering, shooting, arson and other unlawful activities to serve their very purpose of creating instability or deter the innocents, so that either they support them or not support the legal government machinery. (152)